Saturday, March 31, 2007

Happy Easter Vacation

We are officially on Spring Break. Whew!! Yesterday Cooper had his Easter Party at pre-school. So cute at this age.

Today we went to the Grand Opening of Bounce U, an indoor inflatable playground. Terri and Spencer met us there. I hadn't told the kids he was coming so they were even more excited. It was fun. I am so glad we got there early. It was so crowded and hot in there by the time we left. But the kids had fun and isn't that what I exist for, to make them happy? Ugh!

Then we all went to get pizza...

And finally, yes there's more, I drove to the house just long enough to grab the Easter Baskets and take a potty break and we got back in the car and went to the neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt. Last year got rained out so it was nice to get to go this year. I actually had a couple of video clips I was thinking about posting but I am too apalled at what a hick I sound like on the audio, so until I learn more about posting video (minus the audio) I will be sticking to still shots.

Food Diary

I've decided to re-start the food diary after I have finished eating the lemon bars and Edy's Espresso Chip ice cream. I will give updates here but not daily. I think I'm going to use another website for my daily tracking.

Thursday, March 29, 2007



I am doing okay on my food diary. I'm keeping track but I'm not exactly eating well. I've had about 1200 calories today. That doesn't sound like much but it's only 6:00 and I'm bad about night-time snacking. I'm going to go downstairs and do laundry tonight. I'll try to get in a bike ride.

It's hard to calculate calories for homemade stuff. I'm not sure how I'll do that on nights when I cook. Maybe I'll just stick to the cookbooks that already have calculations :)


I just got Abbie into the shower. Standing there in her bathrobe looking at herself in the mirror she asks, "Mom, do you think I'm beautiful?" I cringe and ask my 6 1/2 year old, "What do you mean?"
Abbie: "I think my eyebrows look funny."
Me: "Well I think your eyebrows are beautiful"
Me: "So who talks about that kind of stuff?"
Abbie: "Me and the girls chat." (with head bobbing in the "DUH" fashion)
Abbie: "Mom Dakota accidently hit Megan in the neck with the jump rope and she got a rope burn."

And then it was over...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Food Diary

I'm going to start keeping track of what I'm eating. I think starting a food diary is the only way I will hold myself accountable for what I'm putting in my mouth. I'm tired of being so tired that I can't even think straight. I don't even have the energy to start exercising. I need to start somewhere so I think food is a good place to start. I monitor what my kids are eating but I don't hold myself to the same standards. That's not the message I want to send.

I did manage to ride the bike for 15 minutes last night. Burned 85 calories.

So far today I've had:

granola bar, cottage cheese, strawberries, green tea: 288 calories
2 devilled egg halves: 150

Saturday, March 24, 2007

My First Concert

Last night Abbie went with her Brownie troop to spend the night at SciWorks. I went to pick her up at Lowe's Foods (a outlet, which will be relevent, keep reading...) at 10:00 this morning.

Yesterday I spent at least 3 hours on the internet looking for Tim McGraw/Faith Hill concert tickets. I worked myself into a near panic attack. I have never-no never-been to a concert before. I don't know anything about buying concert tickets. After ultimately wasting 3 hours I decided that there was just no way on Earth I could justify spending nearly $400 on 2 tickets. I was thinking of all we could do with $400: the new curtains I want, new clothes for Tim (he's lost 25 lbs.), some cute summer shoes-and I'd probably still have some $ left!!!! I don't understand how people afford to go to concerts.

Well when I picked up Abbie this morning I thought I'd just go inside the grocery store and check things out. The tickets went on sale at 10:00 and I was there any way so what the heck!

I was the only person "in line". I was expecting a crazy mob scene or something. The store manager was helping me and she was awesome. It was fun too. She'd say "I've got these seats" and I'd say "I'll take them" and before she could accept them they'd be gone. We did that 3 times before I got the tickets. Only $199. That's still a lot. But it is for our anniversary and we don't get that much quality time together so I'm cool with paying half of what internet tickets were going for. I thought scalping was illegal. Well at least in NC it is.

So I'm going to my first concert EVER. Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. I am so excited!!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Weekly Recap

We finally had Cameron's official birthday party. Everyone was healthy, well almost everyone, and back in town. Grammy was back. Grandy, grandmomma & granddaddy, Uncle Jeff were there. Pappy was sick. We had a Sunday brunch and had mini quiches, hash brown casserole, fresh fruit and muffins. The pictures of the "real" party don't look all that different from the "mini" party we had a few weeks ago.

We are officially in Spring YEAH! The weather has been so nice. We've been able to get outside and play. Cameron is trying his best to walk and getting better every day. He gets frustrated when he is trying to chase Abbie and Cooper. He can't walk very fast so he just crawls instead.

Abbie got her ears pierced for her 5th birthday. She was pretty traumatized by the experience. They had to do one of her ears twice because they screwed it up. On Wednesday, a year and a half later, she was finally ready to take out the starter earrings. She wanted to wear some earrings that her friend made for her. You can see her fancy earrings in this picture from today at her Outstanding Student reception.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

What a week

The most memorable moments (good, bad, and ugly) from the past week:

6- taking all 3 kids to the Dr. 's office at the same time, twice!
5- Cameron having diarrhea for a week.
4- trying to get Cameron off the middle-of-the-night bottle
3-Abbie having strep throat
2-Abbie going back to school!

But the number 1 thing was:

Cameron's "Sparkle Poop"

Tim and I were doing a tag-team diaper change just in case the diarrhea wasn't over (thank goodness it was). I like to think that Cameron was giving us a present in his pants. When we opened his diaper this time, the pooh was all sparkly and "pretty". I suppose he must have eaten half a dozen or more sequins off of Abbie's favorite dress-up dress.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

What party?

We have yet to have Cameron's official 1 year old birthday party. This picture was his "mini party" and maybe his only party. At least Grandy and Aunt Cathy got to have some fun. We were going to have the rest of the family over the next weekend but Cooper and Cameron were sort of sick and Grammy was out-of-town. She's still not back and we still have germs in our house!! Cameron is on atbx for a double ear infection and I think Abbie and Cooper might have strep. I'm taking them tomorrow to get rapid strep swabs. Abbie's freaking out more about the q-tip gagging her than she did about getting the Flu shot!!

Friday, March 9, 2007

If I had just waited 5 minutes...

Abbie went home from school with Audrey today. Cooper was missing her so we went outside to play on the "playground" as he calls it. He played for a while and then said his tummy was hurting. He decided to sit down and take a rest. He sat down in his kid-sized adirondack chair and actually dozed off. It was so sweet. Ahh, got you fooled.

So I shoved the phone and the mail in my pockets and carried him inside to his bed. Got his shoes off and his covers up. I still had my sunglasses on but I could tell that he looked pale. I lifted the glasses up and bent down real close so I could check him out-they're prescription glasses, I'm blind without them! AND then he gagged. I jumped back so fast but still managed to grab his blanket and "catch" most everything. He started to panic and try to turn away and get out of bed. He was crying out "I throwed up! I throwed up"! Mommy realizes that, baby. I just wasn't sure how to hold the blanket with one hand (with out spilling anything) and keep him still with the other. All I could think was, why couldn't I have stayed outside for 5 more minutes?

We got him cleaned up and back to bed. But this time he took the big rope-handled bucket with him.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

New Shoes

So today was the first day Cameron has ever had on a pair of shoes, yes, I know he turned 1 two weeks ago. But until now it didn't seem like there was any real reason for him to have them on. He has taken a few steps but is not actually walking. So today I wanted to take him outside with his walker toy so I put his shoes on. Mind you his first pair of shoes is a size 5! That just shocked me. I just dug through Abbie's old shoes tonight (yes, I still have them) and there are 2's and 3's in there that I remember her wearing.

Cameron was so confused, he just stood there and had no idea what to do. He stared at his feet in amazement. He cracked me up. I held his hand so he'd try to walk but he wouldn't budge. He just let me drag him. He was not about to move his feet with those "things" attached.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

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My Mommy Mantras

I found these 8 Mantras for Mom in a newsletter from the Sara Lee Center for Women's Health at Forsyth Medical Center. After I read through them I finally realized it was okay to cut myself a little slack. If you're reading this, I hope you'll feel the same way.

1- I will embrace the fact that I'm not perfect. Children don't need you to be perfect; all they really need are reasonable limits, lots of love and a happy mom.

2- I will get down on the floor and play with my child(ren).

3- I will take care of my body.

4- I will learn to love the chaos. Family life is full of sniffy noses, public mortification, surprises, and laundry. But it's also got moments of great beauty, tenderness, sticky kisses and a miracle or two.

5- I will make the family dinner a priority.

6- I will focus a little more on my marriage.

7- I will make time for my friends.

8- I will remind myself daily that time with my children is precious.

They may not be easy to do (especially #3) but if I don't remind myself of them from time to time I find myself becoming resentful of what my family doesn't do around here instead of being grateful for what they have done.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Birthing a Blog

Not sure if 10:30pm is the best time to try something new...sleep deprived and all. But the house is quiet and everyone is asleep, for now, so we'll go with it. I haven't kept a written record of my life since high school and since I am quickly forgetting what even happened yesterday I thought that this is as good a time as any to get started again. Stay tuned and we'll see what happens!