Wednesday, February 10, 2010


The kids have their first group Tae Kwon Do class today. I haven't seen them this excited about anything in a long time. Abbie has never moved so quickly to get her room cleaned up. We went Monday to get their uniforms and have a private intro lesson just for them to get used to it. I wish I'd inconspicuously pulled out my phone and gotten a quick video but I was trying not to distract them, since they were learning about the 3 "focuses", mind focus, body focus, and I think eye focus was the third one. Hey, I wasn't the one who was supposed to be paying attention!

Cameron was so cute doing his little "chops" and "kicks". And it was no surprise to me that he was the loudest at the "Hi-YAHs". One time when they were taking turns, instead of doing a "chop" he yelled his Hi-YAH and threw out both arms with full Jazz Hands, a bit more like "boo I scared you" than martial arts. Again, the video would have been much cuter.

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