Friday, February 26, 2010

Grateful Birthday Friday

Today I am most grateful for my baby boy, he turns the big "4" today! My baby is growing up too fast! I remember all the chaos surrounding his birth as if it were yesterday. An induction a day earlier than expected, an epidural that wouldn't take (then wouldn't wear off), a near emergency C-section, then a quick push and poof! there he was :)

Cam-Cam! Where do I even begin with you boy?? You are a giant jumble of contradicting personalities.

You are "NOT A BABY", but I think your only level of speech is whine. I would never call you shy, but sometimes you hide behind me all day, not coming out even for Pappy. There's no one that makes you as mad as Cooper does, but you love love love your big brother and sister...maybe your sister a little more since she snuggles you and doesn't really mess with your toys. As soon as Abbie and Coop leave for school, you're asking when they will be least a couple dozen hour!

Your favorite food is rice and pintos from Chipotle or a cheeseburger Happy Meal. I think you are literally scared of food with "color". You are by far the pickiest eater of the 3 of you kids. I can't get you to drink a fruit packed smoothie or eat my veggie-laced spaghetti. If it's green, you won't even LOOK at it.

Playtime is still all about Thomas. You've had Thomas birthdays for the last 3 years. Thomas trains and tracks all over the house, Thomas movies in the DVD player, Thomas coloring books, Thomas shirts and jammies.

You're a lefty like mommy and daddy. You love to color and have displayed your creations all over the playroom paper required :(

Your best friend is Connor and his cute little way of saying your name comes out sounding kinda like "Gremlin" which I find totally appropriate. You have a funny little way of blaming your body parts for getting you in trouble: my legs don't want to go to bed yet, my brain wanted me to eat another cookie, my arm just wanted my toy back!!!

I love you so so much my baby boy. I hope I'm not spoiling you since you are my baby, but I almost don't care. You are my sweet Gremlin with the crazy faces. Happy Birthday!


Lisa said...

Awh, that was so sweet! Happy Belated Birthday to your baby boy (he'll always be the "baby!) I love that he blames his body parts... that's too funny!

Jenny said...

Super sweet tribute to your son! This made me smile the whole way through reading it!