Sunday, February 14, 2010

I wish I could've seen my face....

Well we finally had "the talk" last Friday. No, not that one. The guy at the Tae Kwon Do place showed me the payment options for signing up for classes. It's completely ridiculous. For both Abbie and Cooper it would be $258 a month, minimum 12 month contract. I know my mouth had to have fallen open. I couldn't even speak. Speechless I tell you. I don't even want to continue with the free month because it will only get their hopes up. There's a reason they don't put prices on the website and arrange an appointment to discuss pricing with you behind closed doors where you can be seated when you find out.

There is another place closer to our house that I am going to check into. They don't have prices on their site either, but they specifically state NO contracts.

1 comment:

Organized Chaos said...

I feel your pain! We're payin $250 for gymnastics each month...that is or all 3 at least and we're not under a contract. But it's only once a week for an hour for 2 of the girls...Mckenna goes 2 times a week in her class. But still, it's a car payment! Ridiculous!