Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Resorting to Bullets...

No not that kind. When friends ask me "What's going on?" I can never really think of all that much yet, I never seem to have enough time to do all of that "nothing " that's going on.

Here's some things I have wanted to post about:

  • Abbie's Thanksgiving dinner blessing that included "I'm thankful that I did not get Cameron's virus"
  • I'm thankful that Cam's hand-foot-mouth virus, although pretty bad, was mainly a "cosmetic" illness. If you've ever questioned whether or not your kids have it, there will be no doubt once you've actually seen it. Cam broke out in blister-y, wart-ish bumps that were the the worst on his feet. It probably took a good month for them all to fade away.
  • Abbie started dance class again. She went when she was 4 but wasn't all that thrilled. She did love the recital.
  • We all got our flu shots. Cooper is the only one that had a bit of a reaction. His thigh looks red and purplish and is a bit warm to the touch. It hurts him too.
  • I took Abbie to see Enchanted. It was a cute movie. On Black Friday I got her a Princess Giselle nightgown/dress-up for Christmas at a really good price.
  • I got the Deceptively Delicious cookbook and I'm eager to try new ways to sneak veggies into my kids' meals.
  • We went to Portrait Innovations to get the kids' Christmas portrait made this year. As happy as I was with the portraits we made in August, I was as equally disappointed with these. They were running about 40 minutes late, I REALLY hate that, but I do understand that all kids are not as cooperative as mine, yeah right! There was only ONE picture of the 3 of them that was even close to acceptable for the Christmas card. I should have gotten up and walked out with NOTHING, but then that would have been a complete waste of 2 hours of our day and I still wouldn't have any Christmas pictures because they were booked up solid for the next 2 weeks. So any of you reading this that will get a Christmas card from me...You have been forewarned, I don't want to hear about how this wasn't such a great photo...this one isn't smiling, that one should have moved over a bit, so-and-so's hair is messed up. I ALREADY KNOW!

Merry Christmas :)

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I thought about going to a photographer, but we (as a family) get so stressed out about it! Last year was the first year we took our pic at home with the tripod and the camera on a timer. It took longer last year, but I loved the way it turned out...This year, I was sorry we couldn't get the dog to cooperate with us, but oh well...