Saturday, December 29, 2007

In Recovery Mode...

We still have one more Christmas gathering to go. My dad's house tomorrow after church. But for the most part we are winding down from the Christmas festivities and trying to get back to our normal schedule. It's been hard to get back on track. It's been rainy and dreary for a week it seems. Makes it so hard to even get out of bed. But we need the rain so badly it's hard to complain about it.

We tried to scale it back on Christmas this year. There is not one thing that our kids need. The Lord has blessed us in that way. And it doesn't help that the kids have up to 5 Christmases with all the Grandparents. They were asked to only give one gift per child and so far they have done excellent.

Tim's watching the Wake game and I finally got all 365 pictures off of my camera. And I just realized I have some more on the other camera.

Here are some of my favorite pictures:

Hope you and your families had a very blessed Christmas.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family! My sympathies to you regarding your grandfather. What a love story, though. You are so blessed to have such fine examples of deep love and commitment in your family.