Monday, August 27, 2007

Fourteenth Anniversary

On the 24th Tim and I celebrated our 14th anniversary. Wow. I'm sort of speechless. Tim wrote me a very sweet card. He's a good card-picker, not so much with jewelry, but good with cards. And he gave me a day at the spa! I can't wait to use it, but I want to wait until I really feel like I need a break. Right now I'm pretty good so I don't want to waste it! I got him some shirts and I gave them to him last week.
I commemorated the day by taking the kids to Portrait_Innovations and had portraits made of them together. It's the first time I've had them done with all 3 of them. 18 months and this is the first time, whew, time has really flown by.
Then we went out to our favorite restaurant, Bonefish_Grill.

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