Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Big Boy!!

Cooper turns 5 years old today! I remember my first contraction at 4:00 am that morning. I was sleeping on our old couch. That couch sunk down in the middle and it fit my round middle just right. He was born about 15 hours later. I used a CNM from my OB's office. Cooper was my most satisfying birth experience. I was calm and felt the most in control of what was going on. At about 5-6 cm I asked for an epidural. 20 minutes later when anesthesia got there, I felt like I had to push. I had gone to a 10 in that short amount of time and a couple of pushes later he was here.

Cooper is very laid back and "chill". Some people think the birth experience can have an impact on the child. Who knows. Let's see now...Abbie took forever to push out and she is a major slowpoke, we just discussed Cooper, and Cameron's delivery was out of control and crazy fast. Hmmm, pretty much spot on.

I've never read about the "Middle Child" syndrome. I know it must be hard to be you sometimes. Cameron takes so much of mommy's attention and Abbie is old enough to get to do all the fun things. I worry about whether you get your share of our attention. I took you to Lowe's last weekend and we used your kiddie wheelbarrow to carry our stuff. You were such a great helper that everyone noticed!! This fall you are going to play basketball at the Y. You are so excited about it.
Stupid Blogger...
I had a couple more paragraphs and I lost them because Blogger wouldn't save them. Let's see if I remember.

  • Your favortie word is DAMAGE, as in tree damage after the storm the other night or car damage on any car that appears to have been in an accident.

  • Your favorite color is red. Your favorite team is whichever team is red.

  • You wanted a basketball goal and a skateboard for your birthday, which you got.

  • You are so excited to go back to school and see your friends.

  • Grandy and Aunt Cathy took you out for your birthday today. You had lunch at Chuck E. Cheese and then went to Toys R Us

  • Sunday we went bowling with Pappy and Grammy and got your basketball goal.

  • You want your room painted Camouflage. I'm going to get started when school starts.

Happy Birthday to my sweet boy. I can't believe you are already 5...

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Happy 5th Birthday to your big guy! Hope he had a fun day.

Sorry I haven't commented in awhile - I've been checking in, though!