Friday, November 16, 2007

Miss Manners

Abbie's Brownie Mtg last night was a Manners and Etiquette class taught by a professional Etiqette Consultant. I had to laugh though, because her name is Chris Rock!! It was at the Country Club and they got all fancied up.
I realized that other than her Christmas outfit (which I didn't want to risk getting messed up) she doesn't have any "nice" winter dresses. Oh well. She picked out her favorite Spring dress, who cares if it was in the 40's. She wanted to wear the sparkly red dress she wore for Halloween, but I thought that might be a bit over the top. I should have let her. There's no way she could have been more over the top than this dress...I hope I don't have to point it out.
I didn't get to stay this time so I was pleased to see the pictures that one of the moms took. Abbie was right by Chris's side taking it all in. Last night she showed me the proper way to hold your fork. Who knew?

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