Monday, April 16, 2007

So Slack

I can't believe I haven't blogged in 2 weeks. It certainly didn't feel like 2 weeks, but a lot has happened.

Easter Sunday, Tim's friend called to see if he could come out and play. I was fine with it. We had already had our family get-together time. He went mountain-biking on the same trail where last November he fell off his bike face-first and nearly bit through his lip. This time he only dislocated his finger. He has one more chance on that trail. 3 strikes and he's out.

We had a girl's morning last Wednesday. It was nice to sit and have breakfast. We went to the mall since it was raining. Then Friday it was Cole's birthday cook-out. It was great for everybody to get together. It's been too long.

Then Saturday morning we get a call from Tim's dad. Carlene thought she was having a heart attack. Chest and neck pain, trouble breathing. So far, no heart attack, no Embolism. They were going to do a bone scan today. Hopefully she's home by now, I haven't talked to her today. Thank God everything appears to be okay.

We all went to church yesterday. Abbie and I went to River Oaks Community Church 2 weeks ago to check it out. I really liked it and we all went this week. Tim enjoyed it too. We liked the casual atmosphere, contemporary music and younger membership. I'm really anticipating the sermons for the next 2 weeks: "God in your Marriage" and "Love and Respect in Marriage". We went at 9:00 so Abbie could go to SS. Sunday School doen't start until K'garten age so Cooper was in more of a Nursery situation. I'll have to get more info on whether or not there is a lesson taught for his class. The 10:30 service has a Children's Church (ROCC) but not SS. Abbie decided she liked SS better than ROCC because SS served a snack. That's my girl!!

Ihope my books come today. I feel like I'm in limbo waiting to change my life. I found this author in my Google searches. She's been on Oprah like 4 times. HOW did I miss her??? I printed the free "Daily Hit List" and I really like it. I'm going to print out 5 and laminate them so I can re-use them like we do with the chore charts. I need to re-do Abbie's chore charts.

THEY'RE HERE!!! THE MAIL IS HERE!!! I'll let you know all the secrets to blissful living next time!

1 comment:

Organized Chaos said...

I think I may want these books too...can't wait to hear what you think!

Mckenna always says her favorite time at church is snack and play dough.