All packed up and ready to go! Abbie was really nervous about atarting a new school. At Open House last week she was adhered to my side, which is normally not her style. But I understand. All new school, all new friends. She does know one girl in her clas from basketball last fall and her basketball coach's son is in the other 4th grade class along with a friend from her Brownie troop. The classes will do many activities together and she'll get to know both teachers as they are going to try sometrhing new this year and switch off teaching science and math, i.e. Mrs. A will teach both classes math and Mrs. Campbell will teach both classes science.
As you can see, Abbie was all set with her Wake Forest backpack she picked out. We took it to the mall yesterday for monogramming. She picked out the font and the Hot Pink color. Itried to let her pick out her stuff this year. Although, she did not want to pick out her notebook and school supplies. I think they passed her inspection. I scored big points with the recycled pencils made from Chinese newspapers.
The pink bag has her 4 items that she was to bring as a "homework" assignment. They were: 1 item to describe her hobby: her astronomy book; 1 item to illustrate a goal she has for the year: a friendship bracelet she made to give to each new friend she makes; and 2 items to represent 2 character traits she possesses. This was a tough one. I realized that at this age they don't really understand the concept of character traits, much less how to represent them with a tangible object. So we went through a list and she picked "curious" and "adventurous". She took a toy cat to represent her sense of curiosity and a flashlight to represent to represent a sense of adventure.
I can't wait until she gets home so I can hear all about her day!!!