Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Our new arrivals

This Summer we have enjoyed having a new family move in with us. On June 30, I noticed a bird's nest in a wall planter right outside our front door. On my tippy-toes I peeked inside and to my delight, were 3 of the most beautiful robin eggs I've ever seen. The blue was just magnificent.

And the next day...there were 4!!

On July13, at 5:00, we had the first two arrivals...

By 8:00, we welcomed number 3...

And eventually number 4.

I decided to give them a few days to bond as a new family. We try to give them as much privacy as possible, but-hello-it is our front door. Momma bird has been a very good momma. She is never too far away as evidenced by the squawking we hear from the nearby oak tree every time we venture to the mailbox. Or every time I want to snap a new photo.

This morning when I snapped the last shots I was attacked by a Japanese Beetle. So between a protective momma robin and hundreds of Japanese beetles, I will be surrendering my front yard for the time being.

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