Friday, July 2, 2010

Grateful Friday

I am grateful for the gift of my daughter. Happy birthday baby girl. A decade of being a mom. I feel like I have always been a mom, at least always wanted to be a mom, way longer than 10 years. It was just that I had to wait until July 2nd, 2000 for God to make it official and give you to me.

Over the last 10 years, I've spent countless hours trying to teach you things, how to read, how to play soccer, how to use your manners, etc. I'm realizing now that as you are getting older, that I will begin to learn so much from you. We are beginning a shift in our relationship. You are becoming a young lady and a few of the "strings" are lying on the floor, no longer attached, but rather ripped away whether I liked it or not.

Last week you snuck my razor and shaved parts of your legs. You've grown up so much this year, especially physically. You may have just turned 10, but are beginning to look more mature than your age. I remember sneaking make-up to school in the 5th grade. Guess we will be crossing that bridge soon too.

I'm so glad that you enjoyed your low-key day with cupcakes and a trip to the pool. It didn't go quite as planned, but tomorrow we'll be back in Clemmons visiting friends and our sleepover at the Herman's will be tons of fun.

You went to sleep tonight with a big smile on your face because you got to talk to Spencer S. tonight.

I should have done this earlier because I'm so sleepy I can't remember all the things I want to write about you on your special day. I just love you so much. You are such a beautiful confident young lady, a fantastic big sister, and a better daughter than I could have ever hoped for.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Awh, that was so sweet! It made me weepy reading about how a few of the "strings" have been ripped away. They grow up so fast, but even when she's married with her own children, she will always need her mommy (at least that's what I tell myself when I get sad that my little girl is getting so big!) Happy birthday to your "little" girl! And congrats on being a mommy for a decade :)