Monday, January 11, 2010


I am so NON-confrontational. Really mom, I'm not. But when it comes to my babies I guess I'll just have to make an exception. Among the many reasons I'm glad to have Abbie back at our neighborhood school is that she is keeping an eye on her little brother. In the 6 short days that she has been back, she has come home at least 3 days to tell me about a boy that has been shoving, kicking, and hitting Cooper in the afternoon bus line. It's a boy just down the street that we know. I was in a Bunko group with his mom and the mom I trade morning carpool with is one of her best friends.

Ugh, I don't want to make this phone call.

I waited the first week to get more info from Abbie and from Cooper. Over the weekend we had a "Bully Seminar". It was all about speaking up for yourself and when it's okay to defend yourself and that mommy and daddy would not be mad about that. But today when they came home and told me that Cooper got kicked again, I knew I had to make the call.

She wasn't exactly surprised. Mostly just disappointed that her son would be acting that way towards his friends...we did just go to his birthday party a few weeks ago. Also disappointed that the adults in charge of the bus lines were apparently not doing anything to discourage what was happeneing. Hmm, hadn't thought of that.

The phone just rang. It was her. She talked to her son and he admitted that, yes, he had been hitting and kicking Cooper, and other friends, for no good reason. She had me put Cooper on the phone so her son could apologize. It was a very nice gesture and I am hoping that this won't be a problem in the future.

I'm sure this is only the first time we'll be put in this type of situation. It was resolved in the best way I could have hoped for. And in the future I'm sure I will be longing for the day when we were just worrying about one of the kids getting "socked" in the arm.

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