Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Busy day...

Today was picture day at school for the boys. I'm so glad that they'll only be seen from the waist up. They had cute matching $2.00 yellow polos thanks to bargain queen Grandy. For bottoms, I just put them in khaki pants. Problem was that I just grabbed Cameron's from last year and they were major highwaters. And I couldn't find any shoes that looked right so he wore his ratty hand me down Thomas sneakers. It looked pretty funny actually but who cares... it won't be in the picture!!

After we dropped the boys off, mom and I went shopping where some of "Her Royal Bargain-ness" rubbed off on me. I need to find a dress for Tim's graduation in January. I was planning to look in the after Christmas sales but I was just flipping through the clearance rack at Marshall's and POOF! the perfect dress jumped out at me. The right size, not strapless (UGH), not pink with purple polka dots, only $20.00...perfect!! And mom found the perfect shoes to go with it...also on the clearance rack! A whole formal wear outfit for $50.00!! I'm so excited!! We will have to buy Tim a new suit. His last suit purchase was when he was 50 pounds heavier.

Later, mom watched the kids while I went with Cathy to what turned out to be her pre-op visit for having her pacemaker replaced. After running the diagnostics, turned out that her battery went in to "backup" mode on the 3rd of the month.

I'm ready for the weekend. It's supposed to be really nice weather and I want to get outside in the yard and do some desperately needed weeding. The crabgrass is so overgrown from all the rain we've had in the past few weeks that it is all the way up to the house in some places. It doesn't even look like we have any pine needles around our shrubs. I'm sure our neighbors love us. Before and after photos??? We'll see.

1 comment:

Organized Chaos said...

I love the new picture of the kids!