Monday, July 21, 2008

Half way there...

Summer vacation is half over. Happy? Sad? Yes! The past few months have been a bit mind-numbing. We had a lot of family business issues that are finally coming to a resolution. I haven't blogged much because Tim really didn't want IT all "out there" and it really was all we were talking or thinking about since May. I'm so glad it's pretty much over. It finally feels like we're getting on with life.

We have had a great "lazy" summer, mostly hanging out at the pool. This is only our second summer joining a pool and we only went a handful of times last year. We joined a new pool this summer and it is really nice. This is week 2 of the group swimming lessons. $45 for 2 weeks of 45 minute classes. I think that's a real bargain. Abbie and Cooper have improved drastically.

I started Abbie with a few private lessons. 10 days ago the most she could/would do was dunk herself up to her forehead. She wouldn't even jump in the pool. Now she's trying to teach herself to dive off the diving board. I'm amazed. And so proud of her. She's a "scaredy-cat" type so we've had many talks recently about saying "I can't do it". I don't like hearing her say that. I urged her to say something more positive like "I'll try it" or "I think I can do it". Within a couple of days she had so much more confidence.

Cooper's class is just focusing on basics like getting their arms and legs to move at the same time! He's finally jumping in...sort of. He wants to jump off the diving board so bad. He's been up there, about 3/4 of the way to the end, probably 6 times. But ends up getting down. Pretty soon he'll just go for it. He's ready to go back to school. He says he misses his friends (2/3 of his class are my best friends' kids that we are the pool with every day) and he keeps asking when his next lunch bunch day is going to be.

Cameron likes to jump in when I catch him but he won't go in by himself. This pool has a small seperate baby pool but the "big" pool starts off at a 2 foot section that is roped off from the main pool. It is so much easier to keep an eye on everyone.

The rest of the summer should be pretty exciting too. I'm in the middle of working with our contractor on the plans for our new deck. If I wait a couple more weeks, I could maybe save on demo costs since the old one is just about ready to fall down. The problems have been trying to work around our septic tank and the fact that we have access to the deck from the kitchen and from our bedroom...on opposite ends of the house. Even if we don't use the access to the deck from our room we still have to have the deck there since it's the second story.

Cooper's 5th birthday is coming in 3 weeks. He wants to go to BounceU so we're going to BounceU and then go get pizza for dinner.

Oh yeah, then there's our 15th anniversary in 4 short weeks. I have nothing planned. I feel like we can't really plan much while Tim's still in school. Maybe we'll just skip this year and do 15 next year! Like I'm going to do with my birthdays from now on.

Tim only has 9 more weekend sessions of school left. That sounds better than 5 more months left. One day...hopefully next year we will be able to finally have a honeymoon. I feel like I say that a lot..."Maybe next year"..."hopefully soon".

Hopefully maybe next year really this time, finally :)

1 comment:

Organized Chaos said...

That is a great deal on swim lessons! I just paid $90 for a 2 week session per kid @ 40 minutes a day and felt like I got a deal around here!

Our new house has a community pool in the neighborhood with free lessons in July and a swim team for kids over the age of 5...can't wait!