Tuesday, January 29, 2008


  • You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance. -Franklin P. Jones

It may not be Suppernanny approved, but I have resorted to "locking" Cameron in his room at bedtime. I put the doorknob cover on the inside when we put him to bed. We are done with the crib. There's no turning back now. I caught him straddling the rail on at least 3 occasions. We went through a couple weeks of "let's count how many times he gets out of bed". He was usually back in the hallway by the time I turned around and sat down in the family room. Sometimes I would just stand up and point and he'd go back in his room. Sometimes he's fight and scream the whole way. Sometimes I'd ignore him for a few minutes and he'd "sneak"farther and farther down the hall. This could, and often did, go on for over an hour. I felt bad for Cooper too, since they share a room and it would keep him up. So I finally decided it was time to take drastic measures and use the knob cover. We take it off when we go to bed. Now he might cry for a few minutes or play around in his room, then eventually he'll climb back up in bed and go to sleep.

What I can't figure out is why he doesn't do all that at naptime?? My theory is that he's plenty tired at naptime and just crashes. He can still sleep 3-4 hours sometimes and maybe he's not tired at bedtime. I'm going to try to get him up from his nap earlier. That should be fun. He is so cranky if you wake him up before he's ready.

The second grade is celebrating spirit week at school:

  • Monday: Favorite sports team. GO DEACS!

  • Tuesday: Favorite Hat Day.

Tomorrow is "Webkinz Wednesday", Thursday is pajama day, and Friday is school shirt day.


Organized Chaos said...

I've started to have to wake Brooke up from her nap earlier so she is ready to go to sleep at bedtime. She would nap 3 hours if I let her...which I love but then she isn't ready at night. I moved her nap up an hour but usually I'll hear her playing in her crib for an hour before she falls asleep.

The other girls were out of the crib at this age because I needed it for a baby...we're going to keep Brooke confined until we move this summer. She hasn't tried to get out yet...it's a sleigh style crib and kinda hard to get a leg over the edge. I never knew how beneficial that would be when we bought it!

Jenny said...

I think waking him up earlier from his nap is a good idea. Jack has toyed around with the idea of crawling out of the crib, but hasn't YET. He will. About the dog--we have an elliptical, not a treadmill. If I could get Comet on that thing, I would. At least it would get used. hee hee

Jenny said...

How are things? I check for a new entry about every day...get a little concerned when I see you haven't posted. Hope things are well with you and your family. Jenny