Tuesday, January 29, 2008


  • You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance. -Franklin P. Jones

It may not be Suppernanny approved, but I have resorted to "locking" Cameron in his room at bedtime. I put the doorknob cover on the inside when we put him to bed. We are done with the crib. There's no turning back now. I caught him straddling the rail on at least 3 occasions. We went through a couple weeks of "let's count how many times he gets out of bed". He was usually back in the hallway by the time I turned around and sat down in the family room. Sometimes I would just stand up and point and he'd go back in his room. Sometimes he's fight and scream the whole way. Sometimes I'd ignore him for a few minutes and he'd "sneak"farther and farther down the hall. This could, and often did, go on for over an hour. I felt bad for Cooper too, since they share a room and it would keep him up. So I finally decided it was time to take drastic measures and use the knob cover. We take it off when we go to bed. Now he might cry for a few minutes or play around in his room, then eventually he'll climb back up in bed and go to sleep.

What I can't figure out is why he doesn't do all that at naptime?? My theory is that he's plenty tired at naptime and just crashes. He can still sleep 3-4 hours sometimes and maybe he's not tired at bedtime. I'm going to try to get him up from his nap earlier. That should be fun. He is so cranky if you wake him up before he's ready.

The second grade is celebrating spirit week at school:

  • Monday: Favorite sports team. GO DEACS!

  • Tuesday: Favorite Hat Day.

Tomorrow is "Webkinz Wednesday", Thursday is pajama day, and Friday is school shirt day.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Quote of the Day

I haven't added any new quotes in awhile. This was forwarded to me today in an email. I've heard it before but it just seems so relevant for me these days that I thought it was worthy enough to make the cut:

  • Inside every older woman, is a younger woman...wondering what the Hell happened? - Cora Harvey Armstrong

Monday, January 14, 2008

Manic Monday

Conversation with Abbie:

A: When did you meet Daddy?
M: In high school. I was 17.
A: Did you sit beside each other in your class?
M: No, daddy was a year behind me. Like if I was in 2nd grade then Daddy would be in 1st grade.
A: What?!?! Daddy got held back?!?!?!

Things Cameron can say: (even if you can't understand it):

  • waffle, more waffle, cakie (pancake), more cakie, orange juice, more orange juice, cookie, more cookie, well you get the idea
  • while pulling your finger, c'mon
  • whenever he hears something beep he yells, READY, as in Dinner's Ready.
  • he knows all his body parts
  • when standing on top of something: JUMP (I swear one time he said "watch this")
  • when he doesn't want to do or eat what you want him to: oh-ank-u (no thank you)
  • rec, sec, GO!

I guess he can say more than I thought because I can think of lots more. He's starting to put words together into sentences. Sometimes he'll start to get upset about something and I'll say "talk to me, tell me what you want" and he'll look at me and try so hard, this long babble sentence will come out and then the last word will be something like "juice".

Things I meant to post a while ago:

First-A couple of weekends ago, I was startled awake around 7:00 am by our house alarm beeping that a door was opening. It was still pretty dark but I shoved Tim in front of me and we went to investigate. It wasn't the front door. Tim likes to leave the door to the downstairs open "for proper ventilation", whatever. Then I hear Cameron crying out "momma, momma". Panicking now! Tim went down the stairs and Cameron was just out in to the garage. I could not believe that he had gotten out of bed, opened his door, closed his door, ran down the hall, got downstairs and I didn't hear anything until he opened the garage door. I thought I was a pretty light sleeper. The transition to the big boy bed has not gone too well, so he's back in the crib for a few more months!

Next-I think this might have been the last year Abbie believes in Santa, boo-hoo. I almost blew it but she sort of believed me, at least for now. Abbie got a Giselle barbie from Santa. A week ago, on the phone, her friend Audrey asked me where it came from. Not really thinking, I said "The Disney Store". A bit later I hear Abbie, now on the phone, say "Nuh-uh, it was from Santa." I felt my heart sink. An hour or so passed and I thought it was forgotten, when Abbie came up and asked me if Santa was real:

M: Well of course, If you don't believe in him then he won't come.

A: So you and Daddy don't put the presents out under the tree?

M: I can't make any words come out so I just shake my head NO

A: (skeptically) O-kay.

Whew, that was close. I'm just not sure if it was good enough to last another whole year.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Better now

I'm better today after my ranting last night, so I thought I'd try to grab a couple minutes before Cameron gets out of bed again to jot down a few things that I'm grateful for today:

  • snotty kisses
  • BBQ potato chips
  • a little boy that gave up his blankie because he's a big boy now
  • my step-mom who started coming over once a week to help me keep my laundry caught up
  • my friends and blog buddies that remind me that I'm not alone

Thursday, January 10, 2008


I've been trying to find the opportunity to blog about a few things. I've even written a couple notes on my calender so I won't forget about them. I just can't seem to figure out when I'm supposed to have time for anything I want to do. I make time for the things I have to do. None of those things seem to be anything for myself, Why? I just wanted to get back to working out this week and Cameron got Croup so I couldn't go. I was going to go while Abbie was at brownies, then Tim got stuck at work. I'm having a pity party right now. When do I get to do something for me? Even when I try to, somebody screws it up, why? I was supposed to go to breakfast with some friends tomorrow morning. Cameron sounds some better but I need to just shove some tissue up his nose, it just runs continuously. Now Cooper has a bit of a cough.

Mom takes care of everybody, but who takes care of Mom? I can't really tell that this Wellbutrin (generic) is doing anything. I'm really disappointed. It's way too expensive to keep taking if it's not going to work. That's another thing that pisses me off. Tim takes 3 medicines that total $20 a month. I take 1 and it's $60, why? It's a 1 month supply but it's 60 pills, so I have to pay a double co-pay, WHY? The monthly rate for my health insurance premium is 50% more than Tim's and 3 times higher than the kids...WHY? The only time I go to the doctor is to have babies and that's over and done with! And that price doesn't even include a maternity rider. When do moms catch a break???