Friday, January 8, 2010

Grateful Friday

This first full week of 2010 (do you say "twenty-ten" or "2 thousand ten"? I haven't decided yet) I am grateful for:

  • Abbie has had a wonderful first week back at her old school. Feels like we are "back home". The program at the other school was an opportunity that presented itself, we gave it a try for 16 weeks and it wasn't the right place for her. So glad we made the right choice to bring her back to her old school.
  • That Tim will finally be back home after a week out of town. That's the longest he's been gone in......well I can't remember. One of the kids actually asked me if he moved!!!
  • My shopping trips to Charlotte this weekend. Saturday with Tim and Sunday with the girls.
  • That I didn't accidentally schedule my hair appointment and my dentist appointment on the same day.
  • For my new washer and dryer.
  • That I am finally starting to feel better this week after being sick since the week before Christmas. Some kind of viral sore throat (2 trips to the doctor) then a sinus infection.
  • Oh yeah, and Cooper is grateful that the tooth fairy remembered to come the 2nd night since she forgot to come the 1st night ;)

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