Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Summer has begun...

I decided to start off the Summer by having my wisdom teeth pulled. It was now or never since we may not end up getting dental coverage once we are paying for our insurance ourselves. I'm so glad I didn't take pictures. It's been 5 days now and I'm still pretty miserable. I can't imagine what a facelift must feel like. I'll never be finding out. I just want to eat something besides mashed potatoes. I'm out of the Vicodin they gave me and Ibuprofen just isn't the same, even when you take 4 at a time. I'm getting ready to send 2 kids outside to play and 1 to take a nap.

On the bright side, I've lost 3 pounds!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a pretty terrible diet plan. Hope you feel better soon.

Organized Chaos said...

I had this done before I had kids...I remember being waited on and pampered by Brad. Those were the days.